Thursday, June 30, 2011

Beach Bash!

Today we did Beach Bash for the first time this summer! It was super hot and humid all day, so we've been getting the kids in the lake as much as possible.  We had a few organized activities for Beach Bash including: Nemo and Dori relay, Sink the Counselor, and Synchronized Swimming Routines.


Sink the Counselor!

It was a fun way to cool off from the day.  We have videos from the synchronized swimming routines, but the internet is too slow to upload them, i'll try to get them up this weekend!  
Here's what we did the rest of the day...

Breakfast in Bed!
Cabin Clean Up
Bible study/ one on one's/ Cabin Time
Free Time 
Team Challenge Games
Beach Bash!!
Rendezvous/ Time to spend with God
Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge!!
Bedtime Story Time

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Longville Turtle Races!!

Today we took the whole heard into Longville for the Turtle Races!  Longville, MN is the turtle racing capitol of the world!

The kiddos got to do hula hoop contests, dance contests, eat Frosty's ice cream, and play on the infamous Longville school playground.

Here's some snapshots of their time in Longville!

We had such a great time in town with this crew!

This is how we tired out the kids all day...

Decree, wake up song and prayer
Cabin Clean Up
Bible study/ one on one's/ Cabin Time
Field Game- Poop Deck!
Longville Turtle Races! 
Beach Time!
Team Challenge Games
Rendezvous/ Time to spend with God
Hula Launcers!
Bedtime Story Time

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Luther Dell has a new game that we tried out today... has anyone heard of Quidditch? There is a modified Quidditch game, that is played around the world, and it's designed for non-wizards (muggles if you will...) who can't fly and don't use magic, and it has been brought to Luther Dell!

The rules are semi- confusing, but the campers seemed to understand...  You basically try to throw a volleyball into hoops, before someone gets you out with a gator ball.. while running around on your "brooms" aka fun noodles :)

Decree, wake up song and prayer
Cabin Clean Up
Bible study/ one on one's/ Cabin Time
Simmer/ Nap Time!
Swim Test
Free Time
Team Challenge Games
Cabin Activity Time
Rendezvous/ Time to spend with God
More Games :)
Prayer Centered Worship
Bedtime Story
Skittles (Fun Night Game)

Roundy Round!

One activity that Luther Dell campers loooove, is the Roundy Round! 

Campers love to buy canteen foods... like pop, candy, ice cream, and then eat them on or just before going on the roundy round.  I know, it is very smart of them.  Many walk away with tummy aches, but that is a small price to pay for the fun of being spun suuuuuper fast, and then try to run in a straight line.

Here's what our Monday looked like...

Decree, wake up song and prayer
Cabin Clean Up
Bible study/ one on one's/ Cabin Time
Field Game 
Simmer/ Nap Time!
Free Time
Team Challenge Games
International Activity Time
Rendezvous/ Time to spend with God
Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge!
International Worship
Bedtime Story Time
Devotionals/ Boy's and Girl's campfire time

Pictures are from Anne Osberg, check out more pictures from Amery week at Luther Dell at

Monday, June 27, 2011

Meet the Staff!

Meet the Luther Dell Summer Staff 2011

Hello to all who love camp so much you can’t get enough!  Here’s an introduction to our Summer staff 2011…

Dave- Director

Jacob C.- Camp Manager

Parker- Head Cook

Zander- Assistant Cook

CJ- Assistant Cook

Melinda- Canteen and Waterfront

Jacob P.- Worship and Waterfront

Dana- Nurse

Rachel- Camp Logistics

Kelsey- ROOTS Coordinator

Sean- ROOTS Counselor

Phil- Counselor

Nate- Counselor

Lucas- Counselor

Cat- Counselor

Anna- Counselor

Lauren- Counselor

Laurel- Counselor

Kaitlyn- Counselor

Our theme this year is “Into the Midst” and we are focusing mainly on community in our life, faith, and as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Can't wait to see all your lovely faces up here sometime this summer/fall!


No, we're not talking about Lady Gaga.  There is a new game at camp, and it is called Gaga.  It is an Israeli game where you play in an octagonal "pit" where you can only hit the ball if it's below your waist... and if you get hit by the ball, you're out, and you must leave the "pit".  That's about it. Kids 'bout to be goin' crazy...

We had some non-gaga-ers who played the traditional carpet ball, street square during canteen last night...

If you want to see more pictures of this week, 

Schedule for Sunday

Arrive and Move In
Registration and Traditions for Camp
Bible Study
Staff Intros
Lights Out!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pastor Carl's Outdoor Chapel Dedication

This past weekend, Luther Dell held a special service dedicated to those who volunteered to make this screened in outdoor chapel a reality. 

Mike Johnson welcoming everyone to the service.

 Pastor Carl Buettemeir shared a message during the service, in addition to all his help and donations he has given to Luther Dell.

This outdoor chapel has been used one to two times daily this summer, it's a great addition to the camp!

Thank you to those who came up to join us this past weekend, we welcome you to come back anytime!