Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wednesday's Post: Minute to Win It!

We had trouble with our internet last night and were unable to post this.  So here is the post from yesterday!

We have lots of pictures and videos to share with you from today!

This afternoon we played some fun games in Upper Sunwall!  We started with a game called "Shuffle Your Buns."  In this game there is one open chair and one person in the middle.  The person in the middle is trying to sit down in the open chair, but everyone in the circle is trying to prevent that.  So everyone shuffles in one direction until someone taps the seat twice and says "shuffle your buns!"  This switches the direction and everyone has to shuffle back the other way.
Video clip of Shuffle Your Buns

Next, we played a game called Train Wreck.  There is no extra chair in this one.  The person in the middle says their name and something about themselves, such as "I like ice cream!".  Anyone in the circle who also likes ice cream has to get up and find a new seat.  The last person standing is the new person to introduce themselves and say something about themselves.
Video clip of Train Wreck

Finally, we combined Shuffle Your Buns and Train Wreck!  So it started out like Train Wreck, where someone introduces themselves and says something about themselves.  Everyone who also has that in common get up and try to find a new seat.  Meanwhile the people who did not get up start shuffling.  As you will see in the video, it is pretty chaotic and lots of fun!

Video clip of the combination

Today for the Olympics we played Minute to Win It games!  Each nation sent up a representative for each challenge and the winner earned 5 points for their nation.  It was pretty intense and everyone was very excited!

The Olympic team captains!
Dave - The Orange Flamingos
Becca - Unicornia
Dain - The Kashyyykians
David - The Blazin' Buffalo Wings

Ready for the straw relay!

The Straw Relay

Cookie Face

Cup Stacking

Ping Pong Ball Relay

Golf Ball Stacking

The Cotton Ball Relay

Dice Stack

Along with Minute to Win It games, we also played Choose Thine Option as a part of the Olympics today!  Everyone chooses from three options: the buoy, karate, or dancing.  The leader turns around and everyone chooses an option and acts it out.  The leader then turns around and does an action.  Anyone who matches the leader is out.  The last person standing won 10 points for their nation!  We played three exciting rounds of Choose Thine Option!

Video clip of Choose Thine Option

Here's the Official Olympic scoreboard at the end of the day.  We go into our last day of Olympics tomorrow with Noodle Hockey!

We also played Hula Launchers tonight!  Here are some pictures from the game!

Wednesday Schedule

First Word
Cabin Cleanup
Bible Study/ One on Ones/ Cabin Time
Roots leave for Longville
Team Building
Simmer/ Nap time
Free Time/Beach open
Free Time/Canteen open
Shuffle Your Buns/Train Wreck
Olympics - Minute to Win It/ Choose Thine Option
Rendezvous/ Time with God
Camp Game - Hula Launchers
Church meeting

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