Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hula Launchers and Drawn to the Word

The internet has been going in and out today, so it has been a challenge to get this posted.  Here are the pictures and video clips from last night.  We will continue to work to get the update from today posted as soon as we can.  It's been another beautiful day and all is well here at Luther Dell!

Last night we played Hula Launchers!

Video clip from Hula Launchers

Video Clip from the end of one of the games

This game was such a favorite that the campers voted to play it again tonight!

Last night we had Paul Oman come out with his Drawn to the Word Ministry.  During worship he painted a mural of the parable of the vineyard workers, which was the story that the kids learned about in Bible Study earlier.

The Parable of the Vineyard Workers

We enjoyed having Paul and his family at camp for a couple days!  We are so thankful that he was able to share his gifts with us in worship!  What a neat ministry!

It was a colorful sunset last night!

Our schedule for today!

First Word
Cabin Cleanup
Bible Study/ One on Ones/ Cabin Time
Game Time - Ships Across the Ocean and Rat-a-tat-tat
Simmer/ Nap time
Free Time/Beach open
Free Time/Canteen open
Team Building
Olympics - Noodle Hockey
Rendezvous/ Time with God
Hula Launchers 2
Church meeting

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