Thursday, June 14, 2012


This morning and early afternoon it was cool and rainy, so we had to switch some of our outside activities for some fun inside games.

"Choose Thine Option": Buoy, Dancing, or Karate.  If you match the leader, you're out. 

The final four of Choose Thine Option 

Another Round of Choose Thine Option

 Look at all those smiling faces, ready to play Bus Tag

Bus Tag

Around dinner time the sun decided it was time to come out!  The evening has been beautiful and perfect weather for another game of Mighty Mighty!

Here's the schedule from the rest of the day!

Breakfast in Bed
Cabin Cleanup
Bible Study/ One on Ones/ Cabin Time
Simmer/ Nap time
Free Time/Beach open
Free Time/Canteen open
Game Time -Shuffle Your Buns, Choose Thine Option, Bus Tag
Team Building
Rendezvous/ Time with God
Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge
Church meeting

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