Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Muddy Fun!

The rain stopped!  Just before lunch the sun even came out!  Everyone has been excited to be able to be back outside!  Today we made up for all of the time that we have been cooped up inside from the rain!

Tie Dye 

Camp is still pretty wet and there are huge puddles and muddy spots all over.  We have made good use of the muddy field!

Ultimate Frisbee

Touch Football

Our Olympic game today was Zuba!  It has a combination of basketball and soccer rules.  There are five volleyballs and the object of the game is to get the them into the nets by either kicking them or throwing them.

The start of Zuba

Video clip of Zuba

This picture gives you an idea oh how deep the mud was in some places!

Another video clip of Zuba

Lots of fun was had, even just sliding in the mud!

Everybody was really muddy after playing Zuba and sliding around in the mud!

Time to rinse off in the lake!

Tonight we played another muddy game of Mighty Mighty!  You can look forward to some fun pictures of that tomorrow!   It was great to be able to be outside and run around today!

Wednesday Schedule
First Word
Cabin Cleanup
Bible Study/ One on Ones/ Cabin Time
Game Time
Simmer/ Nap time
Free Time/Beach open
Free Time/Canteen open
Olympics - Zuba
Team Building
Rendezvous/ Time with God
Camp Game - Mighty Mighty
Church meeting

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