Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Noodle Hockey and Servant Fair!

It's been a good Tuesday here at Luther Dell!  It started out really cold this morning but has warmed up throughout the day.  This afternoon the weather was perfect for running around outside!

We played an exciting game of Noodle Hockey this afternoon!  Each player has a noodle and a gator ball acts as the puck.  The object of the game is to use the noodles to hit the ball and pass it to your teammates down the field and into the net to score a goal.  If the ball touches your legs or feet, you have to freeze, put the noodle above your head, and count to 5 before continuing to play.  The campers from Lands Lutheran and Hosanna are really good at Noodle Hockey!

Tonight we had servant fair, which is where the staff do fun and crazy things to serve the kids.  The stations included:
Nail Painting and Original Song Creations 

The Confidence Boosters 

Hair Braiding 

Blood Pressure Testing 

Crayola Tattoos

Blind Drawings 

One of the stations this week was a G-mail station, where campers could get their picture taken with a Goat or a Gorilla, or both!  A staff member will then e-mail the picture to the person of the camper's choice!

The goats definitely provided added excitement to servant fair today!  We have two baby goats at Luther Dell this summer.  We'll do another entry to introduce you to the goats sometime this week!

Pastor Dave from Lands Lutheran had fun with the goats!

Here's what we've been up to the rest of the day!

First Word
Cabin Cleanup
Bible Study/ One on Ones/ Cabin Time
Game Time
Simmer/ Nap time
Free Time/Beach open
Free Time/Canteen open
Noodle Hockey/Art Shop
Team Building
Rendezvous/ Time with God
Servant Fair
Super Happy Fun Times Tuesday Worship
Church meeting
Skittles Night Game

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