Monday, July 30, 2012

Bible Study and Quiet Time

Today after the Luther Dell staff-led chapel, campers met in cabin groups for their daily bible study and quiet time. Today's theme is the parable of the vineyard workers, where a vineyard owner hires people continually throughout the day and pays all workers the same flat wage. Workers that worked the entire day are paid the same as workers that helped out for only a few hours, symbolizing the unfairness of God's grace.

Cabins gathered around camp for reading and discussion:

Campers in discussion in Lower Sunwall

Enjoying the sun and breeze during bible study outside

After bible study, we have time for personal reflection, prayer and reading the Bible independently. Campers took advantage of the views of the lake and the shade:

Later this evening we look forward to playing Mighty Mighty again! Unfortunately, today is our last full day of camp for the session, so tonight's worship will be our last.

Here's what we have planned for the rest of the day:

Bible Study/Quiet Time
Free Time
Cabin Time
Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge

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