Saturday, July 28, 2012

Trinity Lutheran Church Confirmation Camp!

This week has offered the Luther Dell staff a unique opportunity: to partner with a church and create a program specifically tailored to their group of confirmation students and counselors-in-training!

Trinity arrived at camp soon after our campers from week 7 departed yesterday. We took advantage of the great weather and started off the afternoon with the swim test.

After our camp game (Medic), we went to Club, where Trinity and their worship band led an amazing evening of worship and fellowship. It started with a game of balloon stomp, where campers and counselors alike fastened balloons to their ankles and attempted to pop the balloons of others while saving their own. After some energetic worship, a few CITs (counselors-in-training) shared their faith stories. Pastor TJ followed that up with a message that challenged campers concepts of what a Christian identity is.

Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures from the evening, but we'll have an update soon with some photos of free time!

Here's what we did the rest of the afternoon/evening:

Swim Test
Bible Study

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