Sunday, July 8, 2012


We are getting back into the normal routine with campers coming today!  Last week many of the staff had the week off and the staff that were here worked on different work projects around camp.  Some of the projects they have been working on: putting in new steps by Sunwall, landscape work with the bobcat, working on a trench to keep the water out of lower lodge, filling in an old septic tank, and general maintenance, cleaning and upkeep.

We thankfully avoided any major damage in the storms that came through last week.  Monday night's storm did a number on our docks, so putting them back in order became the work project for the next day. 

Another exciting update is that our organization won a truck through Toyota's 100 Cars for Good!  Here's a status update from the Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp Facebook page:

That's right, folks. It is official! We won a new Toyota Tundra, but we couldn't have done it without the tremendous outpouring of love and support from ALL of you! We are blown away by the far reaching power of Facebook and our dedicated Bible camp supporters.

Thanks to everyone who helped out at voted!  So exciting!

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