Thursday, July 26, 2012

Technical Difficulties

Unfortunately, our camera is on the fritz so we don't have any photo updates from Tuesday for you.

Tuesday was another great day for us up here! Instead of playing a camp game on Tuesday night, we had our "Servant Fair", where staff members set up stations where they serve campers. Staff members painted nails, braided hair, drew portraits, gave marker tattoos and took blood pressure of campers.

Later on in the night, we played our night game Skittles. Campers attempt to sneak Skittles to staff members without being caught in the beam of a flashlight (wielded by other staff members). If they do get caught, campers remain very still until the staff member walks away. By the end of the night, many laughs were had!

Here's what we did the rest of the day:

First Word
Cabin Cleanup
Bible/Study/One on One's/Cabin Time
Team Building
Simmer/Nap Time
Free Time
Eliminator/Rat a Tat Tat
Olympics: Zuba
Rendezvous/Time with God
Servant Fair
Church Time

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