Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mighty Mighty and Club

After dinner last night, all of the campers and staff got together for a game of Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge. This game is basically Capture the Flag, but instead of flags we have two frisbees, a volleyball and a fun noodle as objects. Once campers are tagged on the side of the opposing team, a teammate must come tag them and skip back for free backs.

Here are some pictures of the action:

Signaling the beginning of the game

Even campers' dads get excited!

Someone catches an object!

After the game and Canteen, we had Club. It started off with modification of Rock, Paper, Scissors called Ape, Man, Lady. Here's one of the more exciting match-ups:

 Then we proceeded to have some really fun worship. Ben and the worship band led us through a couple of songs...

...which were incredibly engaging for campers and staff alike:

The weather today has been great, and we've been enjoying a lot of outdoor activities like wake-boarding, playing on the beach, and gaga.

Here's what we have planned for the rest of the day:
Bible Study/Quiet Time
Free Time
Cabin Time
Hula Launchers

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